Haliburton Lake Cottagers' Association Established 1953
About Us
The HLCA works to promote and increase the interests of all cottage and property owners on Haliburton Lake. As an HLCA member you’ll get updated on the latest goings on and be able to participate in several great events.
Haliburton Lake Cottagers’ Association
Township of Harburn located in the Municipality of Dysart et al, Ontario Canada
Article 1: Name
An Association to be known as the Haliburton Lake Cottagers’ Association is hereby established.
Article 2: Objectives
The primary objective of the Haliburton Lake Cottagers’ Association is to generate, promote and progressively maintain friendly relationships among property owners. More specifically defined to achieve this purpose, the following are the essential aims and objectives of the Association:
2.1 To promote and increase the interests of all cottage and property owners for the betterment of the Lake environment.
2.2 To generate, stimulate and promote a continuing spirit of recreation and goodwill within the Haliburton Lake Community. To plan and implement recreational programs and activities of interest to all concerned.
2.3 To operate without the purpose of gain, and to use any profits or other gains to execute the objectives of the Haliburton Lake Cottagers’ Association.
2.4 To provide the necessary repairs, renovations and maintenance to the H.L.C.A. Church-Hall so that the building may be used for community, social events and activities.
2.5 To present a united front for the Lake community enterprises involving cottage and property and business owners and their inter-relationship with Municipal, County and Provincial Government councils, boards and agencies.
2.6 To make formal representation when and where deemed appropriate, to any Municipal, County and Provincial or other governing body on matters affecting cottage and property owners who are members of the Association, pertaining to any and all aspects of their interests on Haliburton Lake.
2.7 To promote safe and responsible operation of all watercraft and related activities.
2.8 To continue to be a member of the Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations (F.O.C.A.), as long as it is deemed beneficial to the lake as a whole.
Article 3: Membership
The membership of the Association shall consist of:
3.1 Full Memberships shall be open to all cottagers and/or property owners, either private or commercial and their immediate families. Associate memberships shall be open to family members, friends of property owners, renters and friends of Haliburton Lake, providing proof a full membership has been purchased.
3.2 The annual membership fee shall be determined at the Annual General meeting (AGM) of the Association. The new fee shall be levied at the start of the new calendar year (January 1).
3.3 Any member or members may be disqualified by reason of non-payment of annual dues and/or failing to comply with the purpose and objectives of the Haliburton Lake Cottagers’ Association as detailed in Article 2: Objectives.
3.4 Membership in the Haliburton Lake Cottagers’ Association will lapse on March 1 of each year, and will be re-instated by payment of the current membership fees.
Article 4: Officers & Directors
4.1 In order to be a director of the HLCA you must be a member in good standing.
The governing bodies of the Association shall be comprised of the following:
4.2 An Executive Committee that will be made up of one (1) President, one (1) Vice-President, one (1) Secretary (who can also be the Treasurer), one (1) Treasurer, and one (1) Membership Secretary (who can be combined with another position), and one (1) Immediate Past President.
4.3 A Board of Directors that is made up of at least three Directors who are not members of the Executive and are Chair of a Committee (e.g. Swimming).
4.4 All Executive Officers and Directors will be voted on by the general membership at the AGM for a term of two (2) years.
4.5 The Board of Directors may authorize a Director of the H.L.C.A. to work in cooperation with the Treasurer to collect and deposit monies into the general account(s) of the Haliburton lake Cottagers’ Association. The appointed Director will upon completion of the deposit forthwith deliver copy(s) of the deposit to the Treasurer for reconciliation of the account(s).
Article 5: Voting
5.1 Any one person who has paid the required annual membership fees to the Association according to Article: 3 Membership will be entitled to vote at AGM or any special meeting of the Haliburton Lake Cottagers’ Association.
5.2 All matter, save as otherwise provided by the Constitution, shall be decided by a simple majority of voting members and by a show of hands and/or designated voting cards – one (1) per paid membership.
5.3 Any member of the Association may request a recorded vote. Such recorded vote shall be conducted in a manner as prescribed by the President.
5.4 Any member of the Association may demand a vote by secret ballot. Such secret ballot shall be conducted in a manner as prescribed by the President.
5.5 Voting may be carried out using a one (1) vote with single written proxy method.
A proxy holder must be a person entitled to attend and vote in his/her own right.
5.6 Voting electronically, by e-mail or by mail shall be acceptable.
Article 6: Annual General Meeting
6.1 The Official Year of the Association shall be from January 1 to December 31.
6.2 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association will be held in the second quarter of each year in the Month of May, on the Saturday of the Victoria Day Holiday Weekend at the H.L.C.A. Church-Hall or other designated venue.
6.3 Notice of the AGM will be announced to all members at least two (2) weeks prior of the proposed AGM.
6.4 Roberts Rules of Order will be used to govern the AGM and all business meetings of the H.L.C.A. and its sub-groups.
Article 7: Elections
7.1 Elections will be held bi-annually, at the time of the AGM, to fill all offices of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors of the Association.
Article 8: Bylaws
8.1 By-Laws, deemed necessary for the proper governance of the Association, may be adopted by an affirmative vote of a majority of the voting members present at a meeting or represented at a meeting by signed and dated Proxy or printed e- mail, (A proxy holder must be a person entitled to attend and vote in his/her own right) and may be amended in accordance with Article 9: Amendments.
Article 9: Amendments
9.1 This Constitution may be amended at any AGM of the Association, or at any special meeting of the Association. A two-thirds majority vote of the members in attendance at a duly constituted meeting or represented at a meeting by signed and dated Proxy or printed e-mail, will be required to amend this Constitution.
A proxy holder must be a person entitled to attend and vote in his/her own right.
9.2 Any member may submit in writing to the Executive, any requested change in the Constitution, for their consideration two (2) weeks prior to the AGM. Such proposed amendments to be presented to the Association at the AGM for acceptance or rejection. When deemed necessary by the Executive Committee, such proposed amendments can be dealt with at a special meeting, with thirty (30) days notice to the general membership.