Haliburton Lake Cottagers' Association Established 1953
1. All participants must register and sign waiver forms. Parents or legal Guardians must sign for participants under 18 yrs. of age.
2. Registration and waivers will be available on the beach on regatta day.
3. Waivers will be on Facebook or on this page and can be downloaded, printed and brought to the beach completed on the day of.
Waiver for participants under 18
Waiver for particpants 18 and over
9:00 AM Registration:
Horseshoe Registration -$20 per team
Volleyball Registration - $20 per team
Marathon Swim Registration - $5 per person
Kids Fun Run (1 km or 2 km) - $5 per runner
Regatta Rundown 5 km Race Registration -$5 per runner
9:15 AM Kids Fun Run Starts ( 1 km or 2 km race)
9:30 AM Regatta Rundown 5 km Race Starts
10:00 AM
Horshoe Games Begin
Volleyball Games Begin
Children's Games Begin
Sand Castle Contest Registration **must register to be judged**
Children's Raffle Table Opens - $1 each or 3 tickets for $2.00
Adult Raffle Table Opens - $2 each or 3 tickets for $5.00
50/50 sales begin
Fish Pond Opens - Bring a winning "fish" to the registration table to get a prize (ends at 2:00 PM)
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM - BBQ
SnoCones for sale $1.00
11:00 AM Marathon Swim Begins - participants must be accompanied by a rowboat with 2 people onboard - no motor
11:45 AM Sand Castle Contest Judging
12:00 PM Swimming Races - Lifejackets are optional 6 years of age and older
2:30 PM Children's raffle winners will be posted
3:00 PM Adult Egg Toss
Other funds raised support the HLCA in the following ways,
Operating and subsidizing a kid’s Red Cross swimming program available to anyone in the area
Operating a weekly Rock Bass Fishing Derby in the summer which helps to keep the Rock Bass population in the lake down which keeps the other fish populations from decreasing.
Maintaining the Lake Navigation Marker system on Haliburton Lake for Public Safety
Naturalizing the shoreline at the Public Beach on Haliburton Lake
Participating in the “Love Your Lake” program for Haliburton Lake which supports sustaining and enhancing lake water quality
Operating the Canada Day Fireworks available to all residents, cottagers or visitors to the lake and surrounding area
Operating weekly kid’s bingo also available to all residents, cottagers or visitors to the lake and surrounding area
We are looking for supporting donations for the event which include adult and children raffle prizes. For more information please contact Serena Thompson at serenalee@rogers.com or Brent McLean at president@haliburtonlake.com